• General

    CSR1000v and GNS3, best thing?

    Really quick post today about integrating the CSR1000v into GNS3. First up! Why would you want to do this?  Latest greatest IOS  Feature packed (supports VXLAN, OTV, MPLS, VPLS, and a ton more) What do you want from me? Those first two should be enough. Video at the bottom for…

  • General

    GNS3 All the Things!!

    Coming soon, I’m going to do a short video series about getting all your favorite VIRL appliances (vNX-OS, ASAv, IOS-XR, vIOS, and vIOS-L2) running in GNS3. So you can enjoy all the power of a modern virtual lab, without the overhead from OpenStack (what VIRL runs on).

  • General

    CCIE# 47884

    Can’t. Stop. Shaking. I just got my results in and after nearly four long years, I’m a CCIE. More to come later. I do want to write up my general feelings on the exam, and what v5 candidates should expect.

  • General

    Where I’m at now…

    So a quick update, I have passed the 400-101 (v5 written) and I’m back into full swing. Thanks to the awesome re-take policy iPexpert offers, my bootcamp is booked also. So if anyone out there plans to attend OWL in March, I’ll be in RTP for that class. All in…

  • Enterprise

    EIGRP OTP – Looking closer part 1

    So I’m going to break my closer look at EIGRP Over the Top into a couple smaller posts. Maybe I’ll tie it together with a video when I’m done… maybe lol. So today I thought I’d answer the most basic question of OTP, how the hell does it work?! In…