• Security

    Adjusting to Firepower Threat Defense

    I wanted to do a quick post today about Cisco’s Firepower Threat Defense. As I’m sure most of you know, this platform is moving to (eventually) replace the ASA code we all know and love. It’s not quite there yet with some features missing that are keeping some from converting.…

  • Enterprise - Security

    Protect The LAN: IPv6 RA Guard

    So while nerding on YouTube, one of my favorite YouTubers Quidsup did a demonstration of using Kali Linux to perform a pretty nifty denial of service attack against Windows 10. The attack has some minor caveats, but none the less is dangerous and relatively easy to pull off. It works…

  • General

    I’m Alive!!

    Just thought that’d be worth sharing… I guess. CCIE Security studies have been consuming most of my time. However, I’m just about at the point where I can publish some stuff. I’ve had drafts for my FlexVPN with dynamic spoke-to-spoke tunnels sitting in draft for months now. So that’ll likely…