• Enterprise - Security

    FlexVPN: Spoke-2-Spoke PSK

    So in my last post I covered configuring FlexVPN with dynamic spoke to spoke communication using certificates for authentication. What if you wanted to use pre-shared-keys though? We can do that, it’s not nearly as secure as certificate based authentication, but we can do that. We’ll be using the exact…

  • Enterprise - Security

    FlexVPN: Spoke-2-Spoke Tunnels

    Let’s talk about FlexVPN, a prime contender as a DMVPN replacement and sometimes referred to as DMVPN phase 4. In this post, I’m going to explore the nuts and bolts of getting FlexVPN up and running between (3) routers and, for added flare, I’m going to also configure dynamic spoke-2-spoke…

  • Security

    CCIE Security: Troubleshooting (Ticket #1)

    So in getting ready for the CCIE Security lab this year, I’ve been spending some time trying to come up with my own troubleshooting scenarios. The process for this, if you’re curious, is normally born from practicing config and noting issues that come up when I misconfigure something. Then I’ll…

  • General

    This Blog is getting an overhaul

    I’m changing the name, and theme of my blog and website. NetworkKnerd is no more, and I’m (slowly) moving everything to Hop16. Mostly because I was tired of NetworkKnerd, but also because my focus on Routing and Switching has been less and less over the years as I’ve transitioned into…